一、别拿我跟别人比 毕竟我又不是别人。 Don’t compare me to others. After all, I’m not others 二、二选一别选我 我不做别人的备份。 Choose one, don’t choose me. I don’t make other people’s backups 三、没有优点,一身坏毛病,但也论不到你指指点点。 No advantages, a bad habit, but it’s not your turn to point fingers. 四、无论你多么讨厌你的学校,当你离开久了,你还是会想念它。 Life is so short, why should I wronged myself to give you a face 九、九分喜欢,一分尊严,我可以很爱你,也可以没有你。

Nine points like, one point dignity, I can love you very much, or I can live without you. 十、能入我心者,我待以军亡,不入我心者,不削以敷衍。