一,入目无别人 四下皆是你。 You’re all over the place. 二,两言若相知 无言也温柔。 If two words know each other, they are silent and gentle 三,慢慢地好起来,是对自己最后的祝福。

Getting better slowly is the last blessing for yourself 四,分格既人品 小众也迷人。 The frame is both small and charming 五,如果没有遇见你 我本是可以忍受这孤独的。 Friends circle is for reference only 十一,踮起脚尖会更接近阳光。 Standing on tiptoe will be closer to the sun 十二,海绵宝宝和派大星成了永远的好朋友。 People who are too rational always shrink from love in the middle 十五,有了人海 遇见才显得那么意外。 It is so unexpected to meet people in the sea 十六,比起失望 我宁愿选择孤独。